Saving and data protection

Please read carefully the instructions on saving files. The instructions contain information about user permissions and data protection. in different storage locations.

Metropolia network drives

The following network drives are available at Metropolia:




P:space for a projectproject members R/W


Temporary space

everyone R/W


study support

staff R/W, students R


common documents

staff R/W


network applications

everyone R


home drive

private R/W

\\share-coursesMore storage space for some courses
\\share-archiveArchive drive for media files etc.

(R=read, RW=read/write permission)

Common network drives

P: drive (scratch), students, staff

S: drive (scratch), students, staff

- Open to everyone, anybody can create files for temporary storage e.g. when traveling between locations/classrooms.

- All files are open to anyone for reading.

- Content is also available using the server via the /scratch directory.

- Files are deleted automatically after 30 days after the file was saved.

- No backups are made as the "file dump" idea suggests.


 T: drive, study supporting

- For sharing large materials which cannot be shared using OMA. E.g. large video files, tutorials and so on.

- Students read permission, staff write permission.


U: drive, staff internal drive

- Cluster / function specific folder hierarchy.

- The pub folder in the function root open to everyone.

- The priv folder in the function root open to only specific members of the function. The directory owner decides by making a service request who gets what permissions to a given directory.

- New priv-folder can be made by service request.

- AS A RULE the portal workspaces should be used for sharing files with others.


W: drive, for applications that boot from the network

- Only read permissions for users.

- Used for installing applications that can be run directly from a network drive.


Z: drive, a private home drive

- Quota limits as follows:

- The quota can be raised if good reasons are given. Please, make a service request at


The home drive

Each user's private home drive can be seen on workstations as the Z: drive, and on Linux servers as the home directory. It can also be remotely accessed via the portal as well as using the ssh/sftp application via the server.

You can check the size and the used space on a workstation in the home drive Properties view. In the example below the quota is 500 MB and the space used is 400 KB:

On the shell server you can check your quota and used space by giving the command quota. In the example below the quota is 512000 (approximately 500 MB) and the space used is 403508 (approximately 400 MB):

[jukkatv@shell ~]$ quota
Disk quotas for user jukkatv (uid 10134):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                 403508  512000  563200            4402       0       0

Question: The Z drive does not show up after I have logged in with my user ID. What should I do?

Answer: Go to and change you password. If the Z drive still does not show up after logging in, make a service request at

Question: How do I access the network drives from home?


Option 1) Sign in OMA and click on the Network drives link at the bottom of General Desktop. (This is Webdisk service, and its quick guide is here.

Option 2; Open a connection to using one of the free programs listed below. Log in with your Metropolia username.

WinSCP (Windows)

CyberDuck (Windows, Mac OS X)

FileZilla (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

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