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  1. Change your location. It's possible that you're in an area with weak signal.
  2. Restart your phone and wait for it to establish a connection to the network.
  3. Check that mobile data is enabled in your phone's settings:
    1. Open the Settings app and select "Network & internet" or "Connections". ja sittenChoose "Mobile data". On some devices, you may need to select "Data usage" before seeing this option.
    2. Turn on "Mobile data". If it's already on, turn it off and then back on again.
    3. Make sure that you see a data icon (e.g., 2G, 3G, 4G, or H) next to the signal barsSignaali at the top of the screen. 
    4. It may not be visible if you have an active Wi-Fi connection. In that case, turn off Wi-Fi and check if the data icon appears.
    5. If you don't see the signal icon, there may be no coverage in your area. If possible, move to another location (such as outdoors) and check the signal strength again.
  4. Enable and disable airplane mode:
    1. Open the Settings app and select "Network & internet" or "Connections". ja sitten Choose "Airplane mode". These settings may vary on different devices.
    2. Turn on "Airplane mode".
    3. Wait for 10 seconds.
    4. Turn off "Airplane mode".
    5. See if this fixes the connection issues.
  5. Reset your phone's APN settings. In some cases, an Android update may cause issues with the mobile network connection. Try to fix the issue using the steps provided in this guide:Reset your APNs. Please note that the instructions may vary depending on your phone model or operating system version.
    1. Siirry puhelimesi asetuksiin Go to your phone's settings (Settings). Jos käyttöjärjestelmäsi on vanhempi kuin Android 11, valitse vielä tämän jälkeen Lisäasetukset / Advanced.
    2. Valitse Verkko ja internet / Network and internet.
    3. Valitse Mobiiliverkko / Mobile Network.
    4. Valitse Yhteysosoitteet / Mobile Networks.
    5. Näet listan mobiiliverkoista. Valitse oikeasta yläkulmasta kolme pistettä, ja siitä avautuvasta valikosta Palauta oletukset / Reset to default.
  6. Ota yhteyttä operaattoriisi ja tarkista, että sinulla on voimassa oleva liittymä ja että sinulla ei ole rajoituksia tai estoja mobiilidatan käytössä.
  7. Palauta puhelimen tehdasasetukset. Tämä poistaa kaikki tiedot ja sovellukset puhelimestasi, joten varmuuskopioi ne ensin.

Miten toimin ongelmatilanteessa?

    1. If your operating system is older than Android 11, select "Additional settings" or "Advanced" after that.
    2. Select "Network & internet".
    3. Select "Mobile network".
    4. Select "Access Point Names" or "Mobile Networks".
    5. You will see a list of mobile networks. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner, and from the menu that appears, select "Reset to default" or "Reset to default settings".
  1. Contact your mobile operator to ensure that you have an active subscription and that there are no restrictions or blocks on your mobile data usage.
  2. Reset your phone to factory settings. This will erase all data and apps on your phone, so make sure to back them up first.

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