Print via browser
One can use WebPrint to print PDF documents with a browser
If there is an issue with PDF print job, the document can be printed using online WebPrint service.
1) Open browser and go to WebPrint
2) Select WebPrint from the menu on the left and click Submit a job
3) Select the suitable option of the Toshiba WebPrint PDF printers
4) Input number of copies to Copies filed.and select Upload Documents
5) Drag and drop the PDF document to Drag files here section or browse for the PDF document using Upload from computer button
6) Example document is selected in the picture below
7) Select Upload & Complete. WebPrint service processes the document
8) In the picture below we can see the Print job is complete and waiting for release from any suitable device
- Created by Unknown User (samiu), last modified on 4.8.2016