News are in Finnish but links to (often) English language reference material are provided.

From the autumn of 2020, we have announced that we will receive contacts centrally via telephone service and as service requests. Two examples of our bulletins on the subject can be found below:

We thank you for the abundant feedback we received during the school year, most of which have been very positive. We have received a lot of praise for the smoothness of our service and the ease of contact.

Our own experience of the post-change period has also been excellent. We have been able to work more focused, organized and efficiently.

We will continue with the same pattern

We only accept inquiries

The contacts addressed to us in the above ways will be

  • resolved immediately or
  • we will solve your request and contact you as soon as possible.

We do not receive support requests to our personal phone numbers or email addresses, through Teams, to our workspaces, or when we meet on campus corridors. Thank you for respecting our peace of working. We are constantly working to serve all users of Metropolia's IT services, and each member of our staff has a role to play in providing this service.

In any Metropolia IT case, please contact 1) the Helpdesk by calling 09 7424 6777, 2) making a service request at or 3) sending an e-mail to The telephone service team will resolve the matter immediately or delegate it to the appropriate team, who will contact you as soon as possible, taking into account the work situation and the urgency of the matter.

Promotional video

Watch a fun and exciting Helpdesk promotional video comparing Metropolia to Harvard University.

Hurry? Call!

The telephone service serves both non-urgent and urgent matters. If you are in a hurry, we recommend that you call the telephone service instead of making a service request. We systematically track service requests that come to us, but we get information about your rush faster by phone.

Cooperation with vocational training institutions

Metropolia User Support cooperates with vocational schools in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The aim of the cooperation is to provide a quality service to the users of Metropolia's IT services and at the same time to provide a work-based on-the-job learning place for vocational school students.

Vocational school students complete an on-the-job training period related to their studies in the Helpdesk's telephone service team. They have been briefed on their mission and their work is constantly guided.

Kind regards,

Telephone service: 09 7424 6777
Service requests /
Information and instructions:

The Student's desktop ( is Metropolia's student intranet, which provides access to all key systems, tools, services and instructions.

You can access the user guide on the Instructions and Rules page (Study Guide, Student's Desktop): Student's desktop - instructions for user.

Note! some instructions have not been updated in a while; thus, some of the information in the instructions may be out of date.