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Installing the operating system on a virtual server

Log into VMware environment using the Vmware Vsphere client available in classrooms.
(The address of the server is Administration is possible only in Metropolia locations.

  1. Select you server from the list (in Home menu, select VMs and Templates to access the list).
  2. Start the server using the power button (Power On option).
  3. Select the Launch Virtual Machine management console. So as the access the server console. (In top of the window there is an icon with an arrow in the top of the screen.)
  4. Connect the installation media to the server (Connect/ Disconnect CD).
    1. Select Connect to ISO image on a datastore.
    2. Select IsoImages -datastore.
    3. Select the installation media of your chosen operating system.
    4. Windows media are MSDNAA versions. Thus serial numbers can be obtained from MSDNAA pages.
  5. Boot the server if the installation has not already started.
    1. If the hard drive was blank, installation will start automatically.
    2. If there was already something installed on the drive, select Boot menu by pressing ESC and select Boot from CD.
  6. Install the operating system.
  7. After the installation, please REMEMBER to remove (Disconnect) the CD from the drive.
  8. Install the VMware Tools driver kit on the server.
    1. In the VM menu in the top of the window -> Guest -> Install/Upgrade VMware tools.
    2. In Windows the installer starts automatically.
      1. Install with defaults.
    3. In Linux the option mounts the installation CD to the CD drive.
    4. Use this only if yum repo or open-vm-tools is not available
       ### mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
      1. cp /mnt/cdron/*tar.gz /tmp
      2. cd /tmp; tar xzfv 'nimi'.tar.gz; umount /mnt/cdrom
      3. Start the installer.
  9. Remember to quit installing the VMware Tools package (in Linux)(VM -> Guest -> End VMware tools install).
    1. For Rhel / Centos 7 Just do yum install open-vm-tools
    2. For RPM based distributions <Rhel/Centos 7 there is also a YUM Depository, where packets can be easily obtained from.
      1. Create a file: /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware-tools.repo
      2. Contents: for rhel / centos 6 x64 VM
        name=VMware Tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch
      3. Next: yum install vmware-tools-nox

Opetuskäytön virtuaaliset projektipalvelimet