Are you interested in seeing and experiencing what happens "under the hood" in Metropolia Helpdesk? There are now summer job openings (6 jobs) for Metropolia students in IT Services User Support. The tasks include installation (changing/updating classroom computers), possibly arranging a computer sale in the late summer, checking devices sent from other campuses, surveying and documenting instruction environments, and documenting campus move tasks.

We are also looking for a student who can assist Data Protection Officer in creating a data protection course in the Moodle environment and possibly in creating a short new employee introduction course.

Summe job is paid and working time is tentatively from May 27 to April 18, 2019.

Send email to if you are interested in spending your summer working at Metropolia. Use the address because summer job is only for students of Metropolia.

Attach in the email (as separate attachments) your CV and your application for the summer job. On the subject line, put the title SUMMERJOB.

A summer job in Helpdesk satisfies also the internship requirement in the IT program and other similar programs.

The dead line for applications is April 15, 2019.