Some practical things help to run an online meeting comfortably:

Effortlessness requires that the connection is tested before the session. If the participants are first-timers, the chairperson can add request in the invitation that the participants get to know the chosen video conference equipment beforehand. The chairperson and the participants can set up a short test session. Metropolia Helpdesk provides user support when needed.

Video is by no means always required in an online meeting. If the participants do not know each other the video channel can be kept open a few minutes in the beginning of the meeting.

Remote participants benefit from the use of chat especially if there are many of them. The chairperson asks that the participants make their comments and questions preferably by using chat.

Remote participants should (if they are on their own computers) use a headset. Sound quality is then better and sound does not begin to echo.

Metropolia provided headsets have also a mute button. It is best to keep the headset on mute when not talking. It is not uncommon to hear someone breath/pant/puff in the microphone or causes other disturbance - often unknowingly. Keep the mute button in hand so that you can turn the mic on or off when needed.



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