It is recommended that you set a passcode on iPad. If an unprotected device is lost or stolen, anybody can use it. A stranger could access your e-mail, calendar, photos and anything private such as Facebook.

How to set up passcode


Go to Settings > General. Tap on Turn Passcode on:


Give a passcode. To make the passcode safe use a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and special characters. Then tap Next and you will be asked to re-enter the passcode, after which tap Done:


Tap Require Passcode and select Immediately, if you want the device the ask for passcode as soon as the device is locked. Alternatively, if you do not want to have to give the passcode all the time, select e.g. After 5 minutes. In this case the device asks for the passcode if you leave it locked for five minutes or longer:


To make iPad lock itself automatically when left alone, go to Settings > General > Lock/Unlock. You can now select whether the devices locks itself automatically e.g. after two minutes. After tapping the selection, the settings are ready. You can close the settings windows by pressing the Home button below the screen.



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